Become a Community Mentor

A brighter way mentor and mentee - a person released from prison who found a new home apartment

Are you interested in becoming a Community Mentor?

Whereas our Professional Peer Mentors are individuals who were formerly incarcerated themselves and can provide guidance based on their own personal experience, Community Mentors are individuals from many walks of life who have varied backgrounds and a passion for building relationships.

It may be as simple as teaching someone the ins and outs of a career path they have chosen or it may be a more personal, emotionally supportive role.

All you need is an open mind and a willingness to learn. We provide the mentor training.

If you're interested in becoming a Community Mentor at A Brighter Way, please fill out the form below.

Where do you call home?(Required)

What type of time commitment are you looking to give?(Required)

What are your volunteer interests?(Required)
Are you interested in remote or in-person volunteering?(Required)
How did you hear about A Brighter Way? Check all that apply.
T Shirt Size -please indicate your shirt size below.
May we subscribe you to the A Brighter Way monthly newsletter?(Required)